27-29 Sep 2023 Fontenay-aux-Roses Paris (France)

NHEJ 2023

NHEJ in Health and Diseases


You are cordially invited to participate in a three-day meeting on the NHEJ pathway and its roles in development and cancer. The meeting will be held in Fontenay-aux-Roses near Paris on September 27-29, 2023

This congress will be the first international meeting focusing on the mechanism and functions of NHEJ. The goal is to allow new exchanges and the emergence of new concepts that will help us collectively better understand this pathway and its roles.

The format of the meeting will include oral sessions consisting of talks by the invited speakers and talks selected from the submitted abstracts. In addition, there will be a poster session. All attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts.

The meeting will open at 12:00 on Wednesday, September 27, and end at 18:00 on Friday, September 29.


Abstract submission deadline: August 15, 2023



NHEJ Molecular Mechanism

NHEJ Regulation

NHEJ and Telomeres

NHEJ in Development and Ageing

NHEJ and Immunity

NHEJ and Cancer

NHEJ in Radiation Biology


Invited speakers:

Peter Baumann, IMB Mainz, Germany

Sébastien Britton, IPBS Toulouse, France

Erika Brunet, Institut Imagine, France

Amanda Chaplin, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Dipanjan ChowdhuryHarvard Medical School, USA

Ludovic Deriano, Institut Pasteur, France

Karine Dubrana, CEA Paris-Saclay, France

Éric Gilson, Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging, France

Yuan He, Northwestern University, USA

Sarah Lambert, Institut Curie, France

Gaëlle Legube, CBI Toulouse, France

Joseph Loparo, Harvard Medical School, USA

Bernard Lopez, Institut Cochin, France

Mauro Modesti, CRCM Marseille, France

Tanya Paull, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Dale Ramsden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 

Eli Rothenberg, New York University, USA

Terence Strick, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France

Thomas Wilson, University of Michigan, USA

Wei Yang, NIH Bethesda, USA



Pascale Bertrand, CEA IBFJ/iRCM

Mireille BétermierUniversité Paris-Saclay, CNRS I2BC

François Boussin, CEA IBFJ/iRCM

Jean-Baptiste CharbonnierUniversité Paris-Saclay, CEA I2BC

Gaëtan Gruel, IRSN

Stéphane Marcand, CEA IBFJ/iRCM

Jean-Pierre de Villartay, Inserm Institut Imagine


Support and logistics:

Aurélie GouretUMRE008/U1274, Inserm




Amphithéâtre Bâtiment 01

31 Avenue de la Division Leclerc

92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France


Access by public transportation from Paris city centre:

Métro line 13 to Châtillon-Montrouge. From there, Tram T6 to Division Leclerc (4 stops).

The meeting location is just across the street from the Tram T6 station.


Hotels (early booking advised)

Residhome apparthôtel Paris Clamart

Ibis Budget Châtillon Paris Ouest



UMRE008/U1274 Office, email: secretariat-u1274@cea.fr 


The meeting is supported in part by funds provided by:


Dynamic Biosensors

CEA Institut de Biologie François Jacob (IBFJ) 

CEA Programme Radiobiologie

Fondation ARC


Institut Imagine

Insitute for Integrative Biology of the Cell

Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

UMRE008/U1274 Inserm - Université Paris-Saclay - Université Paris-Cité - CEA

Université Paris Cité - Faculté des Sciences

Université Paris-Saclay - GS Life Science and Health 

Université Paris-Saclay - Living Machines @ Work 




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